
Artist - Evgeny Lebedev

"Billboard award winner and laureate of numerous jazz contests, Evgeny Lebedev quickly established himself as one of the most promising young pianists in today’s jazz scene. For such a small career Evgeny already performed and recorded with luminaries like Jack De Johnette, Marcus Miller, Terri Lyne Carrington, David Sanchez, David Fiuczynski and participated in prestigious festivals, including North Sea Jazz Festival, Lionel Hamplton Jazz Festival, Tanglewood Jazz Festival and more. Evgeny appears on more than 10 CD’s and released two albums under his own name, that were highly marked by critics in Japan, USA and Russia. " - cited from http://www.elebedev.com

It is happy to inform that Mr. Evgeny Lebedev is performing for the production. And also we would like to thank all of those who sent us entry messages.