
PV (Revised)

This is promotional video for the production "Warmth in Still", by students from the Entertainment Technology Department in New York City College of Technology. It contains interview for the guest artist, Evgeny Lebedev, at PEACELOVE CAFE.


Evgeny Lebedev "Golden Sands"

His performance on this video is great; however, his live performance is even better because the quality of sound is superior Please don't miss "Warmth in Still".


Poster Design ver.1

This poster is preliminary version of poster. Please leave your comments if you have suggestions and see problems with it. I will add corrections or redesign the entire poster if necessary.

- Yoshi


Warmth In Still Sound System Block Diagram

Some detail changes will be made if needed but the main structure will be similar.


Speed and Accuracy

In last two days' production experience, those reminded me of importance of planning and speed for a successful production. There was nothing really different between what City Tech entertainment department teaches and what Local union professionals do. However, obviously those union guys were highly well-organized and accurate at all jobs (I saw a lighting equipment falling from truss during strike period and some guys were not really functioning well), and their speed was 2 times faster than tech production in our department.

So, I would suggest that when all of you design your systems, please plan well and always pay attention to time. And if possible recording all of your activity at somewhere for documenting. These will truly help future presentation and final documents.

- Yoshi


Lighting and Video Change

Feng and I (Yoshi) talked with Pr. Charles Scott and Susan Brandt today. And we discussed about the project further. And some big changes on our plan were made on the following subjects.

- Lighting & Scenery
• Pr. Charles Scott will design both lighting and scenery aspects of the show. So Marc Beron, the original lighting designer, will assist Pr. Scott as lighting designer assistant. Also Gregory Romano will work as assistant of scenery designer.

- Video
• we decided not to project with screen on stage because of conflicting between video illuminance and lighting.

• We will set a projection screen next to theatre entrance and showing relative information with slide-show so that anyone walking by can know what's going in the theatre.

*Dear all designers, if you think that I missed some important updates, please try to revise or post another entry.




RSS Subscription

Dear all crews,

Please subscribe to this blog by RSS feed so that all of you can receive the latest updates on our production.

As you can see on the picture, just click on RSS feed icon next to URL and follow the direction coming up. This window might look different from yours if you are using different browser other than Safari and PC or other operating systems. Please consult me when you find a problem to do so.



Scenery Change

Hi Guys,

Today, at the first production meeting, we made some big updates on some technical fields. Please check the following and take a note for your reference. These are very important.

- Scenery -
• We decided to cut platform and flats out of our original stage design. It is because of budget and production time limit.

• Instead of platform, a carpet will be lain underneath the piano for noise absorption and decoration of the stage.

• Drapery will be hung on both sides of the stage. This is also to reduce extra ambient noise in the theatre so that the acoustic sounds like hermetically-closed.

- Video -
• We will document our production time and Myles will be responsible for this part.

• We will negotiate with professors if we can broadcast artists on the screen again and also propose projecting slide show on the same screen for more interaction.

• Two live video cameras for broadcasting real-time and some cam-corders (3~4) for documenting the concert will be used.

- Merchandise -
• The artist can sell CDs on the suite.


Happy New Year

Happy new year, everybody!

I hope that everyone had a good start in the new year. Well, my start was not good since my computer shut down, so I had to bring it Apple store for repair. I have waited about 2 weeks for the repair and meanwhile I was not able to update our project because the lap-top had all of our production information. Definitely, this time I learned how important the concept of back-up in technology world is.

But finally I received my Macbook Pro back, so I will update many soon.

By the way the performance date is determined. It is April 23rd. The production week will start around April 5th, so we will have about 3 weeks to finish this entire project up.


Yoshi (Yoshihito Takahashi)