

Since Pr. Susan told me last week that the project has to find artists by the end of the semester in order to actually do this event in Spring 2010, I really need help from all of you. If you know some musicians, please tell them this is a great opportunity to perform their own work to public under great acoustic environment with free engineering support.

- Yoshi

Theatre 3D Ver.1

*Click the image to enlarge.

This is the first scenic drafting. On the center stage, we are building a 6~10" height platform. Then each side of the platform, I'm planning to set 3~5 flats for absorbing acoustic noise in the venue. Backstage wall has a projector screen to show musicians by video cameras will be set in both sides of the stage. More details are coming soon.



The project is called “Warmth in Still.” “Warmth” stands for “good quality of sound and comfortable feeling.” The word, “still,” stands for “quiet environment.” To achieve the feelings in audience mind, an event has to provide a good acoustic environment like Lincoln center theaters. So reducing acoustical unwanted noise in NYCCT Voorhees theatre by acoustic treatment based on research and re-create an acoustic environment which is similar to internationally known theaters are this project main theme.

All designs will have sense of “warmth” and “stillness (quietness).” For example, all scenic pieces are painted in darker colors rather than bright colors. Entirely, consistency in all technical engineering helps audience realize how sound environment impacts on a jazz concert and providing them with a great jazz concert are what we pursue.

-Yoshihito Takahashi